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African Artist Intellectual Property with Foza Fawehinmi - Artist Works
“You are also competing with the guy that goes on TikTok and eats 10,000 pieces of meat and is a superstar. Right? So Superstardom is no...
Nov 16, 20221 min read

Body.Electric. Is a Science Fiction Anthology Series by Patrick Hale - Artist Works
“You could basically do anything. And so I took that one step further and I was like, okay, let me make a movie on my own or at least get...
Oct 1, 20222 min read

Creative Recycling with Zsameria of SwapDC
“Our world is really all we got. This planet, at least right now, this planet Earth. So I'm like, I'm just trying to have the power...
Sep 10, 20222 min read

Curtis Mayfield - The Makings of You (1970)
“The love of all mankind should reflect some sign of these words I've tried to recite. They're close but not quite.” Curtis Lee Mayfield...
Jul 30, 20221 min read

Michael Gene Sullivan of the San Francisco Mime Troupe - Artist Works
“Being an artist is a constant chase. But most importantly, never sell out. Because once you sell your soul, you can never get it back.”
Jul 29, 20222 min read

Prayer of the 54th Regiment Before the Battle of Fort Wagner - Morgan Freeman
“We want 'em to know that we went down, standing up!” Morgan Freeman delivers a powerful prayer during one of my favorite scenes in the...
Jul 27, 20221 min read

An Artist’s Duty - Nina Simone
Nina Simone was an American singer, songwriter, pianist, civil rights activist, and a revolutionary artist. I love her work. Rest in peace,
Jul 21, 20221 min read

What Is Your Life's Blueprint? Martin Luther King Jr. Speech Excerpt - October 26, 1967
“Your blueprint must be a commitment to the eternal principles, of beauty, love and justice.”
Jul 9, 20222 min read

Robert Frost Reads His Poem The Road Not Taken
“Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back..” Poem’s Meaning according to Ben Kageyama: “Robert Frost...
Jul 7, 20222 min read

No Time - A beautiful sad soul blues folk tune by Ronald Charles McKernan
"My poor heart can't stand no more, so why don't you just stop talking? If you gonna walk out that door, start walking."
I heard this song o
Jun 30, 20221 min read

Chisenga - Global Hip Hop Artist, Producer, and Sound Engineer
“Sometimes I'll be feeling all alone…like, am I the only person that believes it? But I believe in it enough to know that where there's a wi
Jun 29, 20222 min read

My soul has grown deep like the rivers - Langston Hughes
“I heard the singing of the Mississippi when Abe Lincoln went down to New Orleans, and I’ve seen its muddy bosom turn all golden in the suns
Jun 28, 20221 min read

Why Love?
If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.
Jun 26, 20221 min read

James Baldwin on how Suffering is a Bridge
James Baldwin on how Suffering is a Bridge. The one thing you had to do, is try to tell the truth.
Jun 7, 20221 min read

You Can Undermine Any Barrier That Separates One Man From The Other - Howard Thurman
“The experiences of unity among people are more important and crucial than all the concepts, prejudices, ideologies, and faiths that may...
Jun 6, 20221 min read

Bill Fletcher Jr.’s novel The Man Who Fell From the Sky - Book Talks
Bill Fletcher pulls together history and mystery to create an exciting and compelling story of race and revenge.
May 25, 20222 min read

Quarantine with Rilke with Poet and Author Asnia Asim - Artist Spotlight Series
Asnia Asim is a poet and writer and her new book of poems, Quarantine with Rilke, shares with the reader an intimacy with the Self, a quiet
May 21, 20221 min read

How To Write Forceful Prose with Author Timothy Sheard - Book Talks with Evan Papp of Empathy Media
“A distillation of my 30 years mentoring and editing authors of all kinds, this little book will show you how to tell your story in...
Apr 20, 20222 min read

Organize the Churches and Rejoice with Matt Bernico - Belief Street Faith and Labor
"You can rally around those people and say, 'No more killing of people through the slow crucifixions of low wage work, union busting, and...
Apr 15, 20221 min read

Belief Street Faith and Labor - Good Friday to All!
Belief Street Faith and Labor - Good Friday to All!
Apr 15, 20220 min read
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