“You go to church on Sunday, you look around at all the people in the pews, they spend most of their time in the week at work. And what does the church have to offer to them? What do we have to say about that? What encouragement can we bring to that? And I think that the Catholic Labor Network provides various opportunities to answer that question.”
Fr. Clete Kiley - Catholic Labor Network Board Member

The Catholic Labor Network is a place for Catholics — lay, religious and clergy — who find inspiration in Catholic Social Teaching on labor and work.
Learn more at: https://catholiclabor.org
And sign up for the newsletter at: https://catholiclabor.org/stay-informed/
About Belief Street Faith and Labor
Belief Street Faith and Labor is an EMLab brand produced by Evan Matthew Papp and we are a proud member of the Labor Radio Podcast Network. Support media, authors, artists, historians, and journalists, who are fighting to improve the prosperity of the working class.
Follow our work at: https://www.empathymedialab.com/beliefstreet.