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Laborem Exercens (Through Work) - Faith and Labor Episode 4

“...humanity requires work in order to be maintained and developed and through work we not only transform nature by adapting it to our needs but we also achieve fulfillment as human beings.”

In Episode 4, we discuss Laborem Exercens, which means Through Work and is an encyclical written by Pope John Paul II in 1981, on human work. It is part of the larger body of Catholic social teaching, which traces its origin to Pope Leo XIII's 1891 encyclical Rerum novarum.

Faith and Labor is a podcast video series exploring the history of Catholic Social Teachings and how it can be used to bridge divisions and guide humanity to solve the great challenges facing the working class.

Hosted by John Andrechak of Laborlines and Evan Matthew Papp of Empathy Media Lab, they discuss history, scripture, encyclicals, current events, and how faith and love is needed to strengthen solidarity and heal a world in disarray.

We would love to hear your feedback, ideas, and suggested guests for future shows, as we seek to promote what Pope Francis described in Fratelli Tutti as a more just and fraternal world where “Love shatters the chains that keep us isolated and separate; in their place, it builds bridges.”


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