“I believe once you start work for worker rights, you cannot stop. You just can't stop yourself. I need to protest. I need to have these worker's back.”
Kalpona Akter

About Kalpona Akter
Kalpona Akter is a former child worker and labor activist from Bangladesh. She is the founder and Executive Director of the Bangladesh Center for Workers Solidarity and was awarded Human Rights Watch's Alison Des Forges award for Extraordinary Activism. Learn more about Kalpona’s work:
Support Worker Solidarity
People interested in fighting wage theft in the garment industry can support the #PayYourWorkers Clean Clothes Campaign campaign at https://cleanclothes.org/campaigns/pay-your-workers.
About The Labor Link Podcast
The Labor Link Podcast supports workers' rights in global supply chains by sharing personal stories and perspectives of the brave individuals organizing the workers who make our stuff. The Labor Link Podcast is hosted by Judy Gearhart of American University’s Accountability Research Center and produced by Empathy Media Lab of the Labor Radio Podcast Network.
Contact Judy Gearhart for media inquiries at gearhart@american.edu.