The Labor Radio Podcast Network provided livestream coverage of the 2020 Election.
You can re-watch previous coverage on Labor Radio Podcast Network's youtube channel
and you can follow the conversation on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at @laborradionet and follow the conversation by using #LaborRadioPod.
In addition to our network member panelists, the Wednesday election recap featured:
Damon Silvers - AFL-CIO Director of policy and special counsel
Dyana Forester - Metro Washington Council AFL-CIO
Mark Gruenberg - PAI News
Elise Bryant - Coalition of Labor Union Women
Peter Pocok - Producer Your Right to Work - Former SEIU
John Coleman - SMART Local 7 Organizer
Bill Fletcher Jr. - Racial justice, labor & international activist, & author of They're Bankrupting Us! And 20 Other Myths about Unions & Solidarity Divided.
Leon Fink - Professor Emeritus, University of Chicago Illinois